
Responsible publisher: Alinel nv, Kunstdal 19a, B-9900 Eeklo (Belgium), www.alinel.be

  1. All trademarks mentioned in the communications of ALINEL nv are or may be the trademarks or legally registered trademarks of ALUNEL NV. Any rights not expressly granted herein remain reserved.

  2. No part of ALINEL NV publications, whether digital or in print, may be reproduced, copied, or translated without permission by ALINEL NV. Written permission can be obtained through the business manager or the marketing department.

  3. ALINEL nv’s website has been prepared with all due care, knowledge, and the best of intentions. ALINEL nv accepts no liability for errors and/or inaccuracies.

  4. The drawings in our technical documentation, on our website or in other communications are purely indicative. ALINEL nv can in no case be held responsible in case of errors. All situations presented serve illustrative purposes only and should always be adapted by the contractor / installer to their specific situation.

  5. All references to and images by third parties are purely indicative. Always verify with the specific producer or supplier. Third-party information and/or drawings referring to accessories or resources may require specific tools and/or skill when installing or using them. The construction contractor/installer is required to gather the relevant correct information and apply the correct working method.

  6. All bore holes, screw holes and other machining operations of any kind relating in one way or another to third-party parts must always be verified with the producer or supplier in order to guarantee the permanent and proper functioning of these components. 

  7. ALINEL NV reserves the right to change any information used in any documents without prior notice.

  8. All constructions are subject to local legislation, rules, and standards.